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Biographies & programs



Klara Brockhaus



Rodolfo Focarelli


Sonderpreis Belle Voci

Special Prize of the "Belle Voci" Foundation

Participants Duo 2024.jpg


Franz Schubert
Verklärung D 59 (Alexander Pope / Johann G. Herder)  - 1R

Sonett II  D 629 (Petrarca)

Ludwig van Beethoven
Vier Arietten und ein Duett, Op. 82
3. Arietta buffa „L ́amante impaziente" (Pietro Metastasio)  - 1R

Hugo Wolf
Spanisches Liederbuch
4. Die ihr schwebet um diese Palmen (Lope de Vega/Geibel) 

39. Weint nicht, ihr Äuglein (Lope de Vega/Heyse)

Eichendorff Lieder
24. Nachruf

Henri Duparc

4. Extase (Jean Lahor)

5. Phidelé (Leconte de Lisle)  - 1R
12. La vie antérieure (Charles Baudelaire)

Erich Wolfgang Korngold

Four Shakespeare Songs, Op. 31

1. Desdemona's song    - 1R

Ivor Gurney

Five Elisabethan songs 

1. Orpheus with his Lute (William Shakespeare)

2. Tears (Anonymous)

3. Under the Greenwood Tree (William Shakespeare)

4. Sleep (John Fletcher)

5. Spring (Thomas Nashe)


Click on the photo to see a link to the videos.

For more audio/video and photo, visit the Gallery page.

Klara Brockhaus


Year of birth:


Mezzo-soprano Klara Brockhaus was born in Hanover and completed her  master's degree in opera singing at the August Everding Theater Academy  in Munich with Prof. Daniela Sindram in July 2023 and is currently  studying to become a concert master at the HMT Munich.

She  has appeared on stage as Cherubino and Zerlina, as Polinesso in  Ariodante, and recently as Deidamia in the contemporary opera Achilles  among the girls by W.-A. Schultz with the Munich Radio Orchestra.

In  concert, she was heard in Bach's B minor Mass and Magnificat, Mozart's  Requiem, Vivaldi's Gloria and Handel's Messiah, among others.

Klara  Brockhaus is a scholarship holder of the Johann Adolph Hasse  Gesellschaft München e.V., the Sir Elton John Global Exchange Program,  the Deutschlandstipendium and the Bayreuth Scholarship 2024.

Rodolfo Focarelli


Italian pianist Rodolfo Focarelli studied piano and accompaniment at  the Lübeck University of Music. He then moved to Munich, where he is  currently studying art song interpretation in the class of Gerold Huber  and Christian Gerhaher. In 2013, he won a first prize in the national  Jugend Musiziert competition, among various awards at national and  international competitions. In 2015 he made his debut as a soloist with  orchestra with Tchaikovsky's Concerto op.23, accompanied by the National  Radio and Television of Ukraine Orchestra. In 2019 he was an orchestral  pianist in the Gustav Mahler Youth Orchestra and a participant in the  Mahler Academy in Bolzano. He is very active educationally and currently  teaches at the Ismaning music school.

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